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Cloudlift App questions and support documentation
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B2B Wholesale Tools app
Manual theme selectors (b2b)
How can I enable the b2b app in the theme editor?
B2B Volume Discount
B2B Automations
B2B Form
B2B Bulk Variant
Cloud Order Sync
App overview
How can I include Line item properties in the order export?
How can I include Upload-Lift fields in the order export?
How can I include Live Product Options in the order export?
Sync folder location
Sync order columns
How can I sync a single order?
How can I sync orders from a date range?
How can I sync multiple orders?
How can I only sync orders that have been paid?
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Live Product Options
Variant options
Live preview image location
Price formula
How can I setup a live preview of the product options?
Manual theme selectors (options)
How can I enable the options app in the theme editor?
Product Options Block in Theme Editor
Options Price Add-ons
How can I add product options to a product?
App Extensions (options)
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How can I enable the upload app in the theme editor?
How can I show the widget on a custom page?
Upload Field Block in Theme Editor
How can I show the widget only on some products?
How can I show the widget on a different location on the product page?
File uploads
Display thumbnail image in cart
How can I change the width and height of the upload?
How can I know which file belongs to which order?
Intro Video
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