B2B Volume Discount

The B2B Wholesales Tools App offers powerful volume discount feature which allows creating discount tiers for different quantity levels. The total quantity can be calculated using one of the following types:

Type Calculation
Order Combines all quantities of all products and variants together (of products that are included in the discount)
Product Calculates quantities separately for each product (different discount rates for different products based on their individual totals)
Variant Calculates quantities separately for each variant (different discount rates for each variant based on their individual quantities)
Item Calculates quantities separately for each cart item (different discount rates for each cart item based on their individual quantities)


On each pricing config, you can add Volume pricing discount:


You can preview(test) the discounts on a specific product directly in the app:

Theme editor

To show the volume discount on your store, open the Theme editor and navigate to the Product template. There you can add the app block for the B2B Volume Discount:

Discount table

The app block can create a dynamic table with a configurable number of columns.


The headers setting controls the number of columns. Each column is separated by a |

The default columns are:

Quantity | Price | Discount


The template uses variables to show different values in each column

Note: multiple variables can be used in each column, and text can be added around variables.


The following variables can be used in the template:

Variable Value
{quantity} Quantity break value
{compareP} Single product price before discount
{compare} Total product price before discount
{priceP} Single product price after discount
{price} Total product price after discount
{discountP} Single discount value
{discount} Total discount value

The default template is:

Buy {quantity} | {priceP} | {discountP}

Advanced template:

Buy {quantity} | {priceP}/piece instead of {compareP}/piece | Save:{discountP}

Price update

The price update setting can be used to update the main product price with the quantity discounted price:


You can translate the table headers and values using the Shopify theme editor Translate & adapt integration:

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