How can I include Upload-Lift fields in the order export?

If you have our app Upload-Lift installed on your store, follow the steps below if you want to include the custom upload fields in the order export.

In the Order columns section, search for "upload":

Select the Upload field column from the dropdown, click on the "Add" button to add the column to the export list:

On the column, you can select the field name set in the Upload-Lift app:

The field name is taken from the Upload-Lift field config:

The order sheet preview will show the uploaded file link (If the column is empty, try entering a different order number to update the preview):

If you enable the "Sync order attachments" setting in the "Files" section, then the app will sync the uploaded files to your Google Drive:

The app will update the link in the order sheet to point to the new location on your Drive:

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