How can I add price additions for options?

The app supports dynamic price additions based on the selected options. The option price will be added to the final price of the product. 

Option value price

You can configure an options price on every option type that has individual values:

Enter a price on each value you want to increase the product price:

Options price

The app will show the options price on the individual options:

You can enable/disable this in the Advanced tab:

Label price

You can also show the price of the current selected option next to the option label: 

Text price

You can also add a price for text options on the Advanced tab:

Click on "Add price" at the bottom of the settings:

Price type

You can configure the price to be a flat rate (single price added when text has a value), or you can charge the price per letter (price is multiplied by the number of letters)

You can enable to "Show price on label":

This will show the added price next to the label:

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