Options Price Add-ons - Draft Order

IMPORTANT: this checkout process is now deprecated in favor of the new Checkout Extensibility integration.

This page is dedicated to the options price add-ons that have draft orders enabled.  If you have draft orders disabled, visit the following help documentation: Options Price Add-ons - Cart Product

How it works

As Shopify does not support dynamic prices natively, the app automatically creates a Draft order that contains a second product with the additional options prices when the user navigates to the checkout

The second product does not exists on your store, it's only available in the draft order:


The draft order process is simpler than adding a second product to the cart

However, draft orders have the following limitations (which apply to all Shopify stores regardless of the app used):

  • Express checkout on the cart page is not supported.
  • Discounts cannot be added on the Checkout page.  The app can show a discount form on the cart page:  How can I show a discount form on the cart page?
  • Complex discounts are not supported. (discount on collections, some BXGY variations). Make sure to test your discount code before. 
  • No abandoned cart emails. 
  • Custom products cannot have an image thumbnail. (possible with Shopify Plus checkout.liquid  only)

Product price


The app will automatically update the product price to include the options price. 


In most cases this setup should not be required, but you can still provide a custom location for the updated product price by adding the data-live-price="{{ product.id }}" attribute on the product detail price element:

<span class="price-item price-item--regular" data-live-price="{{ product.id }}">
    {{ price | money }}

Cart price


The app will automatically update the cart product price to include the options price.  It also updates the cart total to include the options price:


To provide the manual locations of the cart item price and cart total visit: Manual theme selectors


The Shopify checkout will list the second product with the options price right below the main product, and the options and the price of each option will be included in the description:

You can edit the name of the second product in the app Settings tab:

The image of the second product cannot be edited as this is a limitation of draft orders. 


Apps are not allowed to modify the checkout process unless the merchant is using Shopify Plus.


If you are on Shopify Plus, please reach out to us and we will help you out.

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