How can I allow customer to crop image uploads?

If you want to allow your customers to crop uploaded images to fit into specific dimensions, follow the steps below.



The app supports two different approaches to allow cropping of image uploads. 

The example above is showing the first approach with the Upload and Live crop feature. 

If you don't have the live preview setup or if you want to receive larger file uploads and also require more advanced image editing, you can use the Upload-Lift app integration described below. 

Upload Live crop

The live crop setup requires that the live preview is enabled. The cropping is done directly on the product image. 

Upload option

Create an option of type "Upload":

Configure the allowed file types to only allow image uploads:

Upload Layer

Create a layer of type "Upload"

In the advanced tab, set the Area setting to Box:

Drag the box on the live preview to fit on your desired location.  Make sure to adjust the box width/height to define the image ratio needed for your product. 

Note: the cropped image will be bigger than 760x760 , the box dimension is only used for the image ratio which in this case is 1:1

Note: the crop box will always be rectangular, in this example the product image has a circle part which is transparent, the product image is shown on top of the upload which makes it only show as a circle: How can I use masks to crop the live preview?

Finally, enable the "Live crop" setting on the layer:


The app integrates with our specialized upload app called Upload-Lift.

If you want to receive large file uploads and setup advanced cropping configurations it is recommended to use this app. 

Upload-Lift option

After you've installed the app from the Shopify App store. Create an option of type "Upload-lift":

The image configuration is setup within the Upload-Lift app. You can configure cropping ratios and many more image settings like min/max resolutions:

You can also configure specific crop ratios depending on the currently selected product variants:  How can I configure settings for specific product variants?

Connect field

Finally, select the Upload-Lift field in the Live Product Options app to show the upload on the options:

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