How can I allow customers to change the location of text on the live preview?
You can setup the live preview to allow your customers to visually drag the location of a text layer as shown below:
Layer setup
On the live preview layer, open the "Advanced" tab:
Set the location to "Interactive":
Advanced settings
The interactive location setting can be combined with the other advanced settings.
Position: Automatic/Manual. The position is updated if the customer has not yet modified the location.
Scale: Automatic = always scales the font to fit the defined area (disable "Scale up" for use with text-editor). Manual = font size is fixed or changed via the text-editor.
Area: Full/Box . Defines the area where the layer can be moved around.
Restrict dimensions
You can combine the Area=Box setting with the Location=Interactive setting:
With this setup, the text cannot be moved outside of the defined area:
Close the layer to test the interactivity inside the app: