Custom Language translations

IMPORTANT: this method is deprecated, you can now edit translations directly in the app:  Multi language store translations

In the case you want to change a specific translation to better fit your store, you can overwrite the default translations by providing a global javascript object in your theme code before the script is loaded:

window.clTranslate = {
 "product.options.validity.valueMissing": "Please enter a value",
 "product.options.validity.tooLong": "Please enter less than {max} characters",
 "product.options.validity.tooShort": "Please enter at least {min} characters",
 "product.options.validity.rangeOverflow": "Max allowed value {max}",
 "product.options.validity.rangeUnderflow": "Min allowed value {min}",
 "product.options.validity.dateMin": "Please enter a date after {min}",
 "product.options.validity.dateMax": "Please enter a date before {max}",
 "product.options.validity.patternMismatch": "Please enter text to match: {pattern}",
 "product.options.validity.upload.max": "Maximum allowed file size is {max} MB",
 "product.options.validity.upload.required": "Please upload a file",
 "product.options.invalid": "Please complete all required options",
 "": "\uD83D\uDD17",
 "product.options.text.align.left": "Text align left",
 "": "Text center",
 "product.options.text.align.right": "Text align right",
 "": "Text bold",
 "": "Text italic",
 "product.options.text.fontSize": "Text size",
 "product.options.item.edit": "Edit ⚙️",
 "product.options.item.modal.title": "Update cart item?",
 "product.options.item.modal.update": "Update",
 "product.options.item.modal.add": "Add new",
 "": "Discount code",
 "": "Apply",
 "": "Enter a valid discount code",
 "": "Discount is applied at checkout"
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