How can I add a custom text input field?

If your product requires additional inputs such as a personalized text, you can create additional form fields in the Upload field section of the field configuration.

Available field types:

Select a field type and enter the field name (where the input will be stored) and optionally add a form label:

In the preview, you will see your custom input field:


For inputs with multiple values you can configure the allowed input values separated by comma. 


The color field type will show a color picker and store the hex code (e.g: #FF0000) in the specified field name. 

Default color

If you provide a single value the color picker will be set to the provided color.  Customers can still open the color picker and select a different color. 

Color selection

If multiple colors are provided e.g: #F44336,#E91E63,#9C27B0,#673AB7,#3F51B5,#2196F3,#03A9F4,#00BCD4,#009688,#4CAF50,#8BC34A,#CDDC39,#FFEB3B,#FFC107

The input is changed to show only the allowed colors that the customers can choose from. 

If these inputs are not enough for your use case or you need further assistance, please send us a request and we will be happy to help you out. 

Changing the input fields position

The input field position can be changed to show on top or below the upload field. In the Preview, click on the theme edit button:

At the very bottom you can change the position:

Accessing custom input fields

The custom inputs from your customer are not stored inside the app. The inputs are stored on the cart items and will be visible in the Shopify Order View:

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