Downloading Ordered Files

There are multiple ways to download the files that are attached to an order.

Order Item link

The uploaded file link is stored on the cart item and available on the order items.

You can download the uploaded files directly in the Shopify Admin Order page.

Important: If you are on the free plan of the app, make sure to download the uploaded files after you received an order, as the file link will only be valid for 30 days. 

View uploads in app

You can view the uploaded files in the App by clicking on "More actions" >  "View uploads in app". 

This opens the app and shows searches for the files attached to the specific order. 

If you are on a plan that has the Archiving feature enabled, the uploaded files will be shown in the archive. 

Download uploads as Zip

If you are on a plan that has the Archiving feature enabled, you can download all the uploaded files from a specific order by clicking on "More actions" > "Download as Zip". 


The archive has the following additional features. 

Download as Zip

You can download all the uploaded files form a specific day, month or year from the archive.

View all orders in archive

To change the view from date based folders to individual orders click on the "Orders" button in the search bar.

Search order in archive

You can search for individual orders by adding a "#" prefix to the order number. 

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