How can I add a SKU on an option?

Note: this feature is currently in BETA, if you want to try it out, you have to request it via the support button in the app.

If you want to generate a custom SKU based on all selected custom options, follow the steps below.

Keep in mind that this feature does not include inventory tracking, the final SKU is stored on the order item and can be processed by external inventory management systems.

Options SKU

On each of the options values, you can optionally add a SKU for the specific option selection:

Whenever an option is changed, the app rebuilds the final SKU which is then saved on the add to cart process.

Theme setting

To enable the generation of the SKU, enable the setting on the Settings Tab > Theme Settings section:

The cart should then list the generated SKU:

Shopify Variant SKU

If your variant already has an SKU, the app will use it as a PREFX to the final SKU:

Show on product page

If you want to show the current selected SKU, then you can add a custom element on your theme with the following attribute:

<p data-live-sku="{{ }}"></p>

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